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Quer nos ajudar a plasmar sonhos_

Con mi burrito sabanero, voy camino de Belén!
Si me ven, si me ven
Voy camino de Belén!​​


WhatsApp Image 2021-12-01 at 20.33.09 (1).jpeg

Christmas is the greatest time of kindness, brotherhood, and love among human beings. It is impossible to be indifferent to the waves that overflow from the heart, and make all men and women want to extend a hand to a brother in need, give support to someone who lacks affection, and so much more. That is why in this month of December the NGO Pachamama makes room for generosity among brothers, fulfilling our mission in these times of hunger and violence. We are the defenders of joy and full bellies. We can go further!


Each region where we have people linked to the NGO is getting together to make possible a moment of affection and brotherhood by giving food to those in need. There are many ways to help, joining us, donating a Christmas basket or any amount via PayPal. Access our site, write to us, let's make the campaign grow and put food and care on the table of our hungry brothers, they are the true face of the angels


Little collective gestures make real our heroism 


The NGO Pachamama's Action to Confront Covid-19 is a campaign that aims to protect from hunger families who have had their autonomy directly impacted by the pandemic of the new coronavirus.

Whether through your individual donation, or by joining your friends and family, it is possible for anyone to help a family, community or institution in your city or anywhere in the country, alleviating the suffering of poor, peripheral and rural people who, when they eat, do not know when their next meal will be. At this time, the campaign aims to help that you can be a point of light in your city or region, either by donating directly with money or by joining the NGO representatives in your area to join forces, activating our families and friends in a wave of kindness and generosity.

Contact us to find out more. Help us so that more people are included in this wave of generosity and love for others. Join us!

Small group gestures make our heroism real.



Further Initiatives

Mission Q'eros 2020

In 2020 due to the Covid Pandemic the NGO Pachamama was not physically present in Q'eros, but as in every year we sent annual contributions which included food for the winter season, food and toys for Christmas, and resources for the necessary medical follow-up.

Last November we had the opportunity to witness and participate in a very beautiful moment when Fortunato Flores and Martina from Q'eros offered us a Pago, an Andean Offering by virtual transmission.

The NGO thanks on behalf of Hatun Q'eros' villages to everyone who made their donations and contributed financially to help them and nurture hope in this time of global difficulty.

Despite the world panorama, our brothers and sisters from Hatun Q'eros continue well, protected and healthy!




Missão Q'eros 2019

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The Pilgrim Gazette 

Our NGO Newsletter 
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Seja um plasmador de sonhos, junte-se a nós! 
Tornar-se um associado é apoiar e ajudar nossa ong.

Ao se filiar à ONG Pachamama você ganha a possibilidade de estar junto a nós, pequenos pardais da vida, sonhando e inspirando a humanidade para que saltemos coletivamente à Fraternidade da Existência.

Comunidade Campesina Vale Sagrado Arco-Iris, located in Colônia Cascata, 5º Distrito, Município de Pelotas/RS - BRAZIL

+55 53 99923 2211

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Ong Pachamama

Since 2006 acting in Brasil, América Latina, África e Ásia.

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