The Well Living is our inspiration!
Our organization is a collective of dreamers that walks sowing and awakening consciousness to the wonders of this common home, the Mother Earth, Pachamama. We bring the Latin airs, original as a tone of service to Life, taking care of Pachamama based on the principles of Well Living (Sumak Kawsay), this is our horizon, the utopia that moves us is to awaken love, compassion, reciprocity, fraternity and that all beings live to their fullest, integrating all aspects of life and all of our capabilities.
Our Goal
Our projects aim to awaken solidarity to life, seeing the Earth as a living organism, without borders or divisions. That is why they are concentrated in different areas but with a great common base: sowing the consciousness of Life, of Pachamama.
Thus, according to these principles, we seek to work with:
• prioritizing life;
• the differences that complement each other;
• understanding that we are nature;
• defense of identities;
• knowing how to eat, drink, dance, work;
• strengthening family farming and protecting seeds;
• live well, not better;
• recover Nature;
• exercise sovereignty.
• Promote and participate in actions that protect, value and strengthen original cultures and guarantee their influence in society;
• Develop new environmental, social, cultural and human proposals to society;
• Experimenting in our Peasant Communities to find solutions to the current demands of society;
• Carry out actions that spread the culture and education of values connected to Pachamama's Consciousness;
• Build networks that share Nación Pachamama's dream (hyperlink para o site)
• Undertake projects related to food sovereignty and seed protection;
• Defend life in all its forms and the complementarity and fraternity between peoples and living beings.
Board of Directors
The Pachamama Association is a third sector legal institution founded in 2006 that elects for each term of office (2 year duration) a new Executive Board and Fiscal Council in a General Assembly with its effective members.
The last administration elected in January / 2021 comprised the following members who are dedicated to thinking and shaping the sowing of the purpose of our beloved NGO:
• Presidency: Tomás Bretanha Souza
• Vice-President: Paulo Victor Bezerra de Lima
• Administrative Board: Janis Regina Gonçalves and Karen Mainardes Knor
• Financial Directors: Ana Caroline Brustolin Kummer and Rafael Victoria Silva
• Directors of Programs and Projects: Barbara Scola Lopes da Cunha, Eduardo Duarte Schimitt, Claudia del Pilar Echeverry Zambrano, Rosângela Maria da Silva
Our Location
Our Association is headquartered in the city of Pelotas / RS, with activists and projects in other geographies such as Caxias do Sul, Porto Alegre, Osório, Canoas, Florianópolis, Garopaba, Curitiba, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Aracaju, Maceió , Fortaleza, San Marcos Sierras (ARGENTINA), Cusco (PERU), Senegal (AFRICA), Cabo Verde (AFRICA), Sydney (AUS), Nepal, India, Tibet, México, Venezuela, Colômbia, Peru, Bolívia, Uruguai, Chile.
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